PELA SKIN: How We Are Different Than The Big Skin Care Brands

DATE: DEC. 14, 2021

Hello PELA SKIN Friends!

In Blog No. 1 last week, I wrote about what motivated me to start my own skin care formula which was due to skin problems for my mom and I during my teenage years. Since then and for several decades now, I have witnessed many women, including those in my family, and myself struggling with dull skin, skin suffocation and sensitization due to excessive chemicals and skin care routines constantly pushed by multinational brands with products often containing harsh and potentially toxic chemicals. I continue to reject such questionable tactics of multinational brands.

PELA SKIN formulas and routines differ from these big brands and rely on potency and simplicity, and I only use potent, safer and cleaner ingredients to allow your skin to breathe, hydrate, flourish, and revitalize. 

All our products are Dermatologist tested and approved, and also cruelty free. Check them out here.

Until next time... Look Beautiful. Live Better!™


Dr. MEL GLAMOR, Ph.D, Houston TX


Pela Skin™, Dr. MEL GLAMOR™, Doctor Molecules™, and LOOK BEAUTIFUL. LIVE BETTER!™ are trademarks of Doctor Molecules LLC, Houston TX 


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